Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Christmas is over and a new year is about to start. I've been very busy getting ready for the new year. New classes, New projects, Wow, so much to do! this time of year gets busy for me. I always feel like changing all the displays, New fabrics will be arriving almost every day and all the class quilts have to find a home. Not to mention all the office work for end of the year. Boy! I'm tired just thinking about it!!!! I'm very excited about the new class schedule. there should be something for everyone to enjoy. Roxanne has added another session on her schedule each month. So, now we will have her here six times each month. Her classes have gotten very popular. With the new year she will be starting a new block of the month. It's really something!!! She just never runs out of tricks to teach us. Check her schedule on the web site or stop in for a hard copy of the newsletter with all the classes on it

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